Brottweiler’s Logbook

“you close it, and you are not there”

i love IRC, without bncs
you close it, and you are not there :) its amazing you connect and the history is empty, like every day is fresh
slack/discord/whatsapp/etc are just invasive, everybody somehow expects immediate answer to their request.

—throwaway71271, HN

This is a quote from a user on HackerNews on a topic about making IRC better. It is a philosophy I relate to and try to follow, and is why I still prefer services like IRC and Mumble. I will not even get that upset anymore when someone prefers proprietary programs like Teamspeak or Ventrilo, as you can self host these. Discord is a bit of a necessary evil, especially for me who runs a Minecraft Server1, but I try to avoid it as much as I can. Being always available in an offline manner is stressful. You can get a message anywhere at anytime and even if you do not check it, you know someone wants you something. I have disabled notifications on a lot of apps and services, and taken the opportunity to try and remove most social media, and luckily my friends use Mumble on a server I host.

IRC is for text and Mumble is for speech, and if I am not connected, I am not there.

  1. I run a minecraft server named

#irc #social-media #voip